First off, I am incredibly sorry I couldn´t call Saturday. The member wasn´t able to let me use his computer, and I couldn´t email or call to let you all know. But I love you all so much, and miss everyone like crazy.
This week has been nuts. Transferrs came, and I was called to be District leader. So there´s been meetings and reunions and phone calls like crazy. I´m excited to start this next chapter on my mission.
Sorry I haven´t been writing a ton about the Area, I have to write a lot of recent-converts and other missionaries frequently. We need more than 90 minutes!!!
But anyway, things here are fantastic. I stayed in Cocaia, with Elder Bravo. So I´m happy as can be. We have 2 Baptisms marked for this Saturday, Both have already been to church a few times. We´re teaching a lot of really great people, but I´m most excited about 2 incredible families that are marked for baptism.
Two sundays ago. we were sitting in Sacrament meeting, and one of the ward families walked into the chapel and sat down, but had someone else with them. Being missionaries, the very first thing we did when the meeting ended is walked over and talked to her. Her name is Taís , shes 14 years old. We marked to pass by her house another day during the week, nothing too special. But still, I felt really good about her. When we passed by to teach, her, and her whole family (including 1 cousin) were seated on the couch waiting for us. The lesson was incredible. We taught about the Evangelho of Jesus Christ. At the end of the lesson, the whole familia ommitted to baptism. It was incredible. And everyone (except the Father) was at Church. So I´m happy as can be. A little stressed, but a little stress is good.
My District consists of 4 duplas (companionships). We have Elder Bravo and I, Sister Lopez (from Capa Verde, a little Island of the coast of Africa), Sister Phillps from Tennessee, Sister G. Silva and Sister Nunes Da Silve (both Sister Training Leaders, basically Sister Assistants to the President), and the Zone Leaders, Elder Carvalho (my old District Leader, from Mina Gerais) and Elder Russel (from Washington, last transfer of his mission)
So it´s pretty intimidating having the Sister Training Leaders a,d the Zone Leaders in my District, but I´m pumped. I´m so excited for this transfer. We´re gonna plan something crazy, like a Stake activity, to excite the members and the Ward Leaders.
But anyway, that´s where I´m at right now. Lovin´life.
Love you all, talk to you in 5 minutes.
Elder Smith